Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Flapper And Her Little Green Sweater :)

So if you have seen my last post i had my hair up in this cute pin-curl hairstyle, this is my hair the next day when i took them out and brushed them out :) I loved the results! :) my boyfriend, my brother, and I went on a hike together on a trail near out house, these pictures im about to show you are taken by my 14 year old brother, his passion are art, stop-motion, and clay-animation! :) Here are the lovely pictures he took for me! :)

What im wearing:

 . pleated skirt- thrifted
 . green sweater- my boyfriends mom
 . necklace- my lovely aunt sent if from North Carolina
 . brooch- my lovely grandmother mae mae gave it to me


  1. You just look so 20s. The short cardigan is great. I think most cardigans are too long to wear with skirts. But this one is right.
    By the way your brother did a great job.

  2. Dear Miss, wouldn't that first photo in this fabulous blog, I discovered today, be an inspiration for your further pics. I think she is looking a bit like you.

    Have a nice day!

  3. oh yes! :) i love that picture!! :) thank you so much deary! :)

  4. Agreed, your hair looks absolutely lovely! I was just thinking yesterday morning about how I strive to get (at least most of the time) get at least three looks out of every curl set I do (I'm lucky that my hair veers towards dry, never oily, so I don't need to wash it every single day, and just use a shower cap in between washes). Sometimes it doesn't happen, but when it does, it's really fun actually to play around with 2nd and 3rd day hair.

    Thank you very much for you sweet comment on my vintage outfit this week, dear gal (as well as for each and every other one of your endlessly nice comment), I totally appreciate it!

    ♥ Jessica

  5. I'm always blown away by your style and the vintage feel to your photos. These seriously belong in a magazine. Or framed!! Your little brother is a fantastic photographer! The first photo is my favorite. There is something so heartbreakingly beautiful about you in me goosebumps!

    I also wanted to let you know the comment you left me the other day really means a lot to me. It was such a painful topic, I almost didn't post it. But I'm glad I did, because it lifted my spirits to know I have such sweet, amazing bloggy friends like you. xoxo

  6. I like the middle snap the best.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  7. I love your blog. I've just started blogging and it's really inspirational to see how much you have done and grown into things in such a short time! I would love some advice on how I can improve my blog and any tips you picked up along the way!

    Keep blogging I always look forward to your postings


  8. sorry

    (the first tip would be knowing my adress :D )

    Many Thanks xx
