Friday, May 11, 2012

"No-Poo" Hair Cleansing Method Challange!

Hello my fabulously ritzy ladies!!!! :) I have a challenge for all of you! :) here is why I challenge you haha, Okay hahaha I have been using this 'no-poo' method for about 2 years now and the results have been beyond pleasing! :) But allot of people are shocked to know how I wash my hair, sometimes even a bit grossed out!!! :P and just the thought of not using shampoo turns off allot of people when it is actually the best thing you could do for you hair in your entire life haha :P and its not a new method by no means haha I'm positive your grandmother and great-grandmother either used it themselves, or knew someone who did :) so do you dare to accept the challenge? :) here is what you have to do if you accept:

1: throw away your current shampoo and conditioner (or at least put it away where you wont be tempted to use it, but id just toss it haha)

2: buy some Bob's bed mill's baking soda and some Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and some distilled water .

3: when you want to wash your hair mix 1 TBSP baking soda + 1 Cup distilled water (this replaces your shampoo) and 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar + 1 Cup distilled water (this is your conditioning rinse) apply baking soda mixture to your hair and gently scratch your scalp for about 1 minute and rinse thoroughly, then apply the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse and work through your hair and focus more on the ends, let that set for about 1-2 minutes, then rinse.

4: Be patient haha!! it can take up to 2 weeks for your hair to fully adjust to the new method , but its worth the wait :)

5: Write a post on your taking part in the challenge and make a link back to this post

6: On your blog document your experience and the results :)

Trust in the power of natural homemade products and my may be surprised! :)
  Good luck everyone!


  1. I've read of this before but never got around to giving it a try. Seeing you bring it up on Fedora Lounge has prompted me to take action though, making this morning my first baking soda hair wash job. I forgot to bring vinegar into the bathroom though, so did use just a dab of bottled conditioner on my short ends. Looking forward to seeing how it goes....

  2. good luck my dear! :) remember give it 2 weeks hahaha

  3. I did a similar challenge about three years ago and was pleased with the results, though did find that the vinegar sometimes did funky things out my (dyed) hair colour. In general though (especially as someone with ridiculously sensitive skin), I'm thoroughly in favour of natural hair and beauty products.

    Thanks so, so much for each and every one of your cheerful, terrific blog comments, dear gal, I always adore it when you stop by for a visit.

    Wishing you a gorgeous Monday & week ahead,
    ♥ Jessica

  4. hello sweetie!!! :) i have a tip if the vinegar is too strong, replace it with organic vodka :) and thank you as well for your absolutely sweet comments as well my dear! :)

  5. This sounds intriguing. I love that it is all natural. I'm kind of obsessed with my hair because it is long and I have never dyed it. I love keeping it healthy, so this seems absolutely perfect. It seems like this mixture wouldn't make my hair sticky, right?

    A few years ago, I did a similar challenge with coconut milk and my hair was so sticky afterwards and would become so stiff, I thought I could crack it in half. Haha! But yeah, I can't imagine baking soda or vinegar having those results. :)

  6. hahahahaha yes this method WONT make your hair sticky, coconut milk tens too make my hair extremely sticky and greasy as well haha

  7. I love discovering new alternative beauty tips like this. I also hear apple cider vinegar is really good for people who suffer from spot prone or acne skin. I sometimes think that all that rubbish we put on our skin cannot be good!
    Thanks for the great post

    India x
