Saturday, April 28, 2012

Now that we have met face to face....

afternoon ladies! I now present you lovely ladies with my first post with pictures!!!! yay!!!!!, well for today's post i wanted to talk about the a comment someone made to me today, it was a complement in my eyes but lets just say this person wasn't trying to be very friendly...... this is how it went, my mom, my boyfriend, and I were walking to our car when this person pulling out almost backed into another car, so my boyfriend got his attention and tried to help him back out safely, i felt  my boyfriend was being very polite in helping this obviously driving impaired fella.... but this man didn't see it that way, he rolls down his window and smugly says "are you trying to walk behind me?...." my boyfriend politely replied by saying "no buddy, i was just trying to make sure you backed out safely, people keep driving behind you even though yo are backing out" and the man gave us a look like we were crazy... and he said rudely "well i'm fine, i dont need help" then he turned he attention to me.. now i'm used to getting mixed attention for how i dress but, he caught me a bit off guard... he all of a sudden got this fake smile on his face and said " you look like you were just in a play" i replied very coy and said "no i just prefer to wear these clothing" and i gave him a polite smile, then he proceeded to back up his car and leave, and then out of no-where he got this disgusted look on his face and he looked at me and said with a smug voice " your very pale " ... i was a bit taken aback, i mean i'm proud of being fair skinned, i work very hard to stay that way so i more took it like a complement, so i replied " thank you, i try to be" and i gave him a smile, but then his look of disgust worsened and he said in a rude voice, " well..., you need to get more sun", it was then i knew he was trying to offend, but little did he know all he was doing was flattering me on my hard work on keeping my skin fair.. so i looked at him and with i smile i said " real women have lily white skin" and he just glared at me, rolled up his window and drove off... i walked back to me car thinking to myself "what has this world come to where people cant just keep their rude comments to them-self.."
      now the reason im telling you about that rude person i had the pleasure of meeting today is not to complain, oh no haha! because i'm flattered that my skin is so perfectly pale it could actually offend someone hahahaha! Now iv been looking around at all your lovely blogs around and i have noticed alot of you ladies have beautiful skin as well, and iv always wondered what you ladies swore by to keep you skin in ship shape :)  so my request to you ladies is, in the comment section share with us all the things you love to do to keep your-self beautiful and ritzy :) I look forward to reading all of your lovely regimens :)

Now im going to go off on a completely different subject, so try to say with me ladies haha :) Now if you have read the about me box on my blog you'll know i'm very good with herbs, i am what you would call a green witch, right now i am in the process of making an amazing medicine that i'm sure will spark all of your interests, and your significant other will be just smitten when you bring it home. I bet by now you are wondering "what the heck this crazy lady is talking about" haha, well i'm going to tell you, i'm talking about my aphrodisiac liquor, now when you hear the word liquor your brain might automatically think of an alcoholic drink, well this isn't something you drink for the alcohol, its more under the herbal tincture category, so please don,t mistake this for an alcoholic drink, this medicine is a strong combination of a variety of herbs with aphrodisiac properties, these herbs have been used for centuries by many indigenous cultures for there aphrodisiac effects, my products are of the highest quality and the herbs are steeped longer then most companies to ensure the best potency. my promise is safe, organic, quality, and effective herbal remedies and nothing less.
now just like with any herbs results do very, so keep an open mind, most commonly these herbs have a stronger affect on women rather then men, so keep that in mind, there will be more lovely herbs added to this current concoction (to increase potency/wider range of effects) very soon ! so keep and eye out! :) this is one of many lovely apothecary products i will be offering as well as exotic beauty products and personalized beauty products designed exclusively for you! Email me for personal orders ahead of time so i can personalize it to your liking ( for example, if you wanted a face mask, but you plan on using it before bed, i would add something such as lavender essential oil, to soothe, and calm your senses AND your skin before bed. A perfect ending to a long, hard day, slaving over the oven or ironing those work-shirts for your husband). I hope you ladies can enjoy my products as much as i do :)
Ok now on an ending note, this is my beautiful puppy Lucy :) named after the beautiful Lucille Ball, not only for her soft, fiery hair but also because lately she has had alot of 'splainin' to do!

she is going through that awkward stage, whats called the "puppy uglies", but she is still beautiful!, dainty!, and sweet as could be! :)


  1. Hi gorgeous gal, how awesome that I (we) now have a lovely face to put to a name.

    I too adore the fact that I have pale skin (I pretty much burn just by looking at a picture of the sun, so my almost vampire-like need to avoid much direct sunlight goes along way in keeping my skin looking fair), and am surprised anyone would have the audacity to try and make such a beautiful thing seem like a negative. It sounds like you handled this situation with grace and tact, my dear - good work.

    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Lucy is fabulously adorable!!!

    1. awwwww you are so sweet :) thank you for the most wonderful complements, they brighten my day :)

  2. You're looking amazing. I like your dress and the pearls and gloves make the elegant look. Love your puppy too. I'm looking forward to more posts and wish you lots of success.

    1. awww thank you so much sweetie! :) and im glad u like my gloves, my lovely aunt sent them to me from NC :)

  3. Thank you for commenting on my veggie post. Make sure to try the recipe. It's easy and you can use any vegetables that you have at home at the moment. Thanks also for being a new follower. Have a fabulous 1st May!

  4. Thank you so much for your comment! You are so beautiful! :D

    1. awww thank you sweetie! and im looking forward to more lovely posts and pictures on your blog :)

  5. You look very lovely! I also treasure my pale skin and always wear sunblocker. At summer I use spf 50. If I know that I´m going to be outside and the sun is shining, I bring my big umbrella.

    I don´t think I would care so much if I could get tanned. But I only get pink/red.

    1. oh my lord dear you have beautiful skin, its very milky fair, you are very lucky :)

  6. Hi dearest gal, I just had to pop over and thank you so, so much for your wonderful comment on my Coral Femme Fatale post today - that is, if I can stop blushing from your sweetness long enough to type.

    No, I've never, ever modeled before. At a mere 5'2" and with more curves than a roller coaster, I'm not exactly what most folks are looking for in a model. It's beyond touching (and confidence building!) to know though that someone out there thinks I could though. Awwwww! ♥

    Oodles of hugs & tons of joyful wishes for the start of May,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. aww sweetie you are soooo sweet!! and i think there needs to be more roller coaster curves in the modeling industry :)

  7. First of all, LOVE your photos! You are beautiful. Your outfit is breathtaking. I, personally, love vintage style although I can't seem to pull it off myself, lol. I think there is something very charming and admirable about someone who dresses with passion.

    I'm horrified that man was so RUDE to you. That angers me. Whatever is bothering him in his life and making him so completely miserable has nothing to do with YOU and therefore he should not take it out on you! Sheesh. And it's funny that he was so "offended" by your lovely skin. Was he jealous?! Haha! By the way, I think it's refreshing that you own up to your natural skin tone and take care of yourself. There was a news story splashed all over the internet/tv today about a crazy tanning woman who looks scary and she put her daughter in a tanning bed...? Eep!

    Oh, and your puppy is ADORBS!! :)

  8. aw you are sweetest! :) and yea i saw that lady hahaha ew haha and her daughter has such pretty fair skin, shame that lady would try to rob her of that. thank you ever so much for this lovely comment, you are the absolute sweetest :)

  9. I'm a bit late here, but was looking through your blog posts and wanted to chip in: I'm constantly amazed at the kind of state some people go out in, and it's us sophisticated, smart, stylish vintage gals that get these kinds of ignorant, small-minded and downright rude reactions to our appearance!

    don't let it get you down, you look beautiful if I may say so!

    TFG x

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